Geological Assessments

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requires that a Geologic Assessment (GA) be performed for certain activities in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, Contributing Zone, and Contributing Zone within the Transition Zone. The purpose of a GA is to identify potential pathways for contaminant movement into the Edwards Aquifer and to provide sufficient geologic information so that contamination of the Edwards Aquifer can be determined. The TCEQ requires that field surveys be overseen by a Registered Professional Geoscientist (PG) and that a technical report be prepared and sealed by a PG. The Geologic Assessment is an essential part of a Water Pollution Abatement Plan that is submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Geologic Assessments also serve to identify potential endangered karst species habitat. Zara is a registered Geoscience Firm with the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists and Zara currently has two staff holding a PG license. Zara staff have successfully submitted dozens of GAs that were accepted by the TCEQ. Zara PGs also maintain a strong working relationship with TCEQ staff, which helps facilitate a positive outcome for our clients.