Habitat Conservation Plans

Zara Environmental has assisted with four Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs), providing expert scientific consulting as well as presentations and organization of public and scientific advisory committee meetings:
Southern Edwards Plateau
The Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan (“SEP-HCP” or the “Plan”) is an effort by Bexar County, Texas and the City of San Antonio (the Project Sponsors) to address endangered species issues that threaten the economic growth of the region and to promote the conservation of endangered species and related natural resources.
The SEP-HCP is a Habitat Conservation Plan that provides for conservation actions that will benefit several endangered species within seven counties in south-central Texas. The SEP-HCP Plan Area includes Bexar, Medina, Bandera, Kerr, Kendall, Blanco, and Comal counties.
Hays County
The Proposed Action has both ecological and socioeconomic purposes. The primary ecological purposes of the proposed action are to: 1) support populations of the covered species in Hays County by protecting and managing habitat for the species in perpetuity, 2) contribute to and facilitate the recovery of the covered species in Hays County, and 3) to contribute to the conservation of the 16 other Federally listed and unlisted species that are addressed in the RHCP as "additional species." The socioeconomic purpose of the proposed action is to allow the proponents of the otherwise lawful activities to comply with the ESA in a more efficient, effective, and coordinated manner than might occur through individual project approvals.
Edwards Aquifer
This Habitat Conservation Plan is intended to support the issuance of an Incidental Take Permit which would allow the “incidental take” of threatened or endangered species resulting from the otherwise lawful activities involving regulating and pumping of groundwater from the Edwards Aquifer within the boundaries of the EAA for beneficial use for irrigation, industrial, municipal and domestic and livestock uses, and the use of the Comal and San Marcos spring and river systems for recreational and other activities.
Southern Edwards Plateau
The Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan (“SEP-HCP” or the “Plan”) is an effort by Bexar County, Texas and the City of San Antonio (the Project Sponsors) to address endangered species issues that threaten the economic growth of the region and to promote the conservation of endangered species and related natural resources.
The SEP-HCP is a Habitat Conservation Plan that provides for conservation actions that will benefit several endangered species within seven counties in south-central Texas. The SEP-HCP Plan Area includes Bexar, Medina, Bandera, Kerr, Kendall, Blanco, and Comal counties.
Hays County
The Proposed Action has both ecological and socioeconomic purposes. The primary ecological purposes of the proposed action are to: 1) support populations of the covered species in Hays County by protecting and managing habitat for the species in perpetuity, 2) contribute to and facilitate the recovery of the covered species in Hays County, and 3) to contribute to the conservation of the 16 other Federally listed and unlisted species that are addressed in the RHCP as "additional species." The socioeconomic purpose of the proposed action is to allow the proponents of the otherwise lawful activities to comply with the ESA in a more efficient, effective, and coordinated manner than might occur through individual project approvals.
Edwards Aquifer
This Habitat Conservation Plan is intended to support the issuance of an Incidental Take Permit which would allow the “incidental take” of threatened or endangered species resulting from the otherwise lawful activities involving regulating and pumping of groundwater from the Edwards Aquifer within the boundaries of the EAA for beneficial use for irrigation, industrial, municipal and domestic and livestock uses, and the use of the Comal and San Marcos spring and river systems for recreational and other activities.