Freshwater Mussel Surveys

In 2009, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) listed 15 species of freshwater musses in the family Unionidae as threatened. Nine of those species have also been proposed for federal listing, prompting the need for additional scientific studies in areas where mussel species are known to occur, or historically have occurred in Texas.
Zara has an established history developing Aquatic Resource Relocation Plans, performing presence/absence surveys, relocation activities, and long-term monitoring of freshwater mussels across the state. Zara personnel have been conducting various facets of freshwater mussel related research since 2010, especially those aspects requiring SCUBA techniques in deeper water. We perform mussel surveys for a wide variety of projects including highway construction, bridge repair, pipeline installation, and dam repair. Zara holds TPWD Scientific Research Permit number SPR-0608-082 that permits the handling and relocation of freshwater fishes and mussel species. Zara personnel have been invited to speak at such events as the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society bi-annual meeting, the TPWD Unionid Symposium, the Texas Water Conference, the UT Tyler Mussel Symposium; the Alamo Air & Waste Management Bi-annual Symposium; and the Texas Association of Clean Water Agencies. We currently have two long term projects to permanently mark and monitor freshwater mussel populations in the Trinity River near Dallas, Texas.
Zara has multiple staff scientists who are trained SCUBA divers with mussel survey experience. Zara maintains a professional dive locker and water craft so that we can deploy quickly and perform surveys in a variety of settings. This allows us maximum flexibility with the ability to conduct SCUBA surveys from shore, kayak, or platform boat.
Zara has an established history developing Aquatic Resource Relocation Plans, performing presence/absence surveys, relocation activities, and long-term monitoring of freshwater mussels across the state. Zara personnel have been conducting various facets of freshwater mussel related research since 2010, especially those aspects requiring SCUBA techniques in deeper water. We perform mussel surveys for a wide variety of projects including highway construction, bridge repair, pipeline installation, and dam repair. Zara holds TPWD Scientific Research Permit number SPR-0608-082 that permits the handling and relocation of freshwater fishes and mussel species. Zara personnel have been invited to speak at such events as the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society bi-annual meeting, the TPWD Unionid Symposium, the Texas Water Conference, the UT Tyler Mussel Symposium; the Alamo Air & Waste Management Bi-annual Symposium; and the Texas Association of Clean Water Agencies. We currently have two long term projects to permanently mark and monitor freshwater mussel populations in the Trinity River near Dallas, Texas.
Zara has multiple staff scientists who are trained SCUBA divers with mussel survey experience. Zara maintains a professional dive locker and water craft so that we can deploy quickly and perform surveys in a variety of settings. This allows us maximum flexibility with the ability to conduct SCUBA surveys from shore, kayak, or platform boat.