Jean Krejca, Ph.D.

Dr. Jean Krejca specializes in karst biology and founded Zara Environmental with Peter Sprouse in 2003. She holds USFWS endangered species permit (TE028652-0). Dr. Krejca's doctoral research focused on troglobites of Texas and Mexico. Dr. Krejca recieved a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Dr. Krejca has extensive experience with the identification and regulation of endangered species and habitat in Texas. She is a specialist in the biology of subterranean species including karst invertebrates, bats, and Eurycea salamanders. Additionally she has widespread experience with freshwater mussel species. She has been responsible for the design, implementation, and management of time sensitive environmental projects dealing with karst and aquatic issues in Bexar, Travis, Williamson, and Hays counties in central Texas. Dr. Krejca’s project experience also includes leading biological inventories, rare and endangered species surveys, and developing customized biological studies. She has conducted karst feature surveys on 5000 acres in central Texas since 2000. Her clients are public and private sector organizations and developers, and she has consulted numerous times with USFWS to obtain an Incidental Take Permit (section 10(a)(1)(B)), or to perform avoidance measures and therefore guide the client to an alternative to a take permit. She has received numerous federal and state grants for cutting edge research, and her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Jean Krejca specializes in karst biology and founded Zara Environmental with Peter Sprouse in 2003. She holds USFWS endangered species permit (TE028652-0). Dr. Krejca's doctoral research focused on troglobites of Texas and Mexico. Dr. Krejca recieved a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
- Cave biology, cave photography, and field guide
- Sequoia and King's Canyon National Parks cave biology inventory
- Aerial surveys using a powered paraglider
- Using aquifer organism genes as a groundwater tracer in karst
- Cave exploration and cartography projects
- Cave diving
Dr. Krejca has extensive experience with the identification and regulation of endangered species and habitat in Texas. She is a specialist in the biology of subterranean species including karst invertebrates, bats, and Eurycea salamanders. Additionally she has widespread experience with freshwater mussel species. She has been responsible for the design, implementation, and management of time sensitive environmental projects dealing with karst and aquatic issues in Bexar, Travis, Williamson, and Hays counties in central Texas. Dr. Krejca’s project experience also includes leading biological inventories, rare and endangered species surveys, and developing customized biological studies. She has conducted karst feature surveys on 5000 acres in central Texas since 2000. Her clients are public and private sector organizations and developers, and she has consulted numerous times with USFWS to obtain an Incidental Take Permit (section 10(a)(1)(B)), or to perform avoidance measures and therefore guide the client to an alternative to a take permit. She has received numerous federal and state grants for cutting edge research, and her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals.